8. 8. 2024
Separation of ferrous metals from pulp in paper production – removal of 20 kg of wires per week (case study)

Our customer specializes in the production of high-quality pulp and white sulfate paper. This company manufactures a wide variety of products, including kraft paper and environmentally friendly packaging materials.
The pulp used in the production of paper is wrapped and fixed with iron wires. When handling these bales, parts of the wire can break off and get into the processed pulp. The manufacturing technology is at risk of being damaged and the final product quality may be deteriorated as well.
The pulp is conveyed through a pipe with a diameter of 350 mm.
Crushed pulp (cellulose) is a material that is difficult to treat by magnetic separation, as it can quickly clog conventional magnetic separators. Therefore, we chose the place where the pulp is transported by pipeline (DN 350). Our recommendation was to install the ML-P 350 N inline pneumatic plate magnet with strong neodymium magnets.
This separator design allows the free material flow because the very strong magnets are located on the doors. And as the doors move on slides, the separator cleaning is quick and safe.
After separator installation we could reliably catch the iron wires ranging in size from 50 to 200 mm!
Benefits of using the inline pneumatic plate magnet ML-P 350 N
The magnetic separator removes approx. 20 kg of wires ranging in size from 50 to 200 mm per week!
The maintenance and repair costs of subsequent production technologies have been significantly reduced. The risk of ferrous contaminants getting into the final products has been completely eliminated. It has contributed to the increased quality and customer satisfaction.
Applied equipment: Inline plate magnet ML-P 350 N
Advantages of the inline plate magnetML-P 350 N
- high pull-off force
- durable stainless steel design
- pressure resistance up to 10 bars
- suitable also for materials of worse pouring properties
- manual cleaning
- vertical and horizontal application